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His majesty Peterbald Brilliance Sinegorye ASTIN of Romanov Cattery

Dernière mise à jour : 30 juin 2018

We are so proud to present you our excellent male Brilliance Sinegorye ASTIN.

He was imported from one of the best peterbald catteries from Kazakhstan Brilliance Sinegorye, breeder Irina Vyssochina.

Best male peterbald of our cattery
Our Prince peterbald Grand Inter Champion 2017

He was born in January 2015 and it was the Best litter on cat show of WCF (World Cat Federation).

Then he was Champion in 2016,

Grand Champion WCF and Inter Grand Champion WCF 2017

We are exciting to see his future babies in our cattery!!!

Images of our Brilliance Sinegorye Astin from cat show past three years:

Something important to know about Brilliance Sinegorye Astin :

On this picture you see the creator of this breed : peterbald OLGA MIRONOVA!

She judged Astin the Best kitten. It was cat show WCF April,27 2015.

We are so proud of him!

Best peterbald kitten judjed by Olga Mironova creator of peterbald breed
Creator of peterbald breed Olga MIronova is with our Brilliance Sinegorye ASTIN. She judjed him the Best kitten WCF show, Omsk 2015

Remember please that the level

of peterbald's competion

is very strong in Russia and Europe.

It is much more competitive than

here in North America TICA association and CCA.

And our Prince

Brilliance Sinegorye ASTIN of Romanov Cats



Most beautiful peterbald cat of Canada!

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