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Maternal room and comfort for mother

Dernière mise à jour : 2 juil. 2018

It is important that nest of maternity is in quiet secure place of the house.

No stress for mother as she has to feed her seven new bornes.

Our princess Sofya is very good mother and she loves her entire maternal room with warm and clean nest.

This room will have some changes as the kittens will grow up and walk and play more and more. I will add a tree for small kittens, litter boxes separated from mother's one.

They will stay here till their first vaccination in 6 weeks.

Right now I keep this room very clean because immune system of new born peterbald is fragile.

Our peterbald kittens will learn to eat themselves here. To learn the litter box. The scartching post. And mach more for their age.

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